• Ensure quality, choose CG Traduction & Interprétation
  • 8:30am - 6:30pm
  • Version française

The CG translation team

Equipe de traductionFor the last 30 years,
we have been assessing translators to ensure they meet our stringent quality and reliability requirements.

We have forged a solid working relationship based on trust with all of our translators.

An in-house team of 4 translators is dedicated to carrying out and delivering premium quality translations.

Being a CG translator

CG translators only translate into their mother tongue. Before CG translators work on any customer material, they are thoroughly tested to ensure their specific knowledge in their fields of expertise and their ability to honour commitments meet CG standards.

We expect translators to be our partners, capable of working with us under pressure without compromising quality.

Above and beyond translation

Computer technology helps us to save time and boosts efficiency. 

At CG, we reinvest the time we save into the translation process, with a view to:

  • systematically proofreading translations
  • compiling glossaries
  • creating translation memories

Our quality control processes not only ensures ongoing translation quality, but also long-term cost-effectiveness.


Contact our Translation Project Manager