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 With hacking, malware, phishing, theft, file destruction or tampering, sending sensitive information, identity theft, vandalism and stolen hardware to contend with, the list of IT-related risks is rather an impressive one! Here are some top tips that will make life harder for hackers.

We can all be targeted by hackers: Mr and Mrs Blog(g)s for their personal or financial data, and businesses for industrial espionage or scientific purposes.

Stop thinking you can’t do anything about it and follow these top tips…

1) Use an antivirus (free or paid for) and activate the updates.
2) Use a firewall to avoid intrusions.
3) Encode your laptop and any sensitive data stored on it.
4) Update your software so as to make the most of fixes and improvements in terms of security.
5) Choose passwords that are impossible to guess: think of a sentence and take the first letter of every word: E.g. “I love pasta with grated Parmesan”: “Ilpwgp”. Insert a few symbols to get: “Il$pw!gp*”. Never use the same password for more than one website and change them regularly.
6) Make your USB flash drives secure: disable the autorun function when using them for the first time and encrypt any sensitive information you store on them.
7) Save your data regularly.
8) Be careful of fraudulent emails (unsettled invoices, lotteries, etc.). If in doubt, never click on any links given in the email: if you hover over the URL you’ll see that the actual sender is not the person they’re pretending to be!
9) Set up a virtual private network (VPN), which is a secured connection allowing employees to access company information and applications remotely.
10) If you outsource this data using cloud computing, try to use a private server and check backups regularly.

CG ensures security no matter what

A long list of large groups place their complete trust in us on account of the fact that we guarantee total security and confidentiality when it comes to their information, using stringent, human and technical measures:
– our translators are bound by confidentiality agreement,
– some of our translators have confidential and secret clearance,
– no confidential documents leave CG,
– we encrypt and send all sensitive documents in a secure way,
– we have our own secure FTP server.

Furthermore, our translation services are compliant with the NF EN-15038:2006 European standard, which includes all aspects of the service, translation process, quality assurance and traceability.